






2003-2008 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 博士

1999-2003 曲阜师范学院生物系 学士


2020-至今 烟台大学海洋学院 教授

2010-2020 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 副研究员

2014.11-2015.11 美国圣地亚哥州立大学 访问学者

2013.08-2013.10 美国俄克拉荷马大学 访问学者

2008-2010 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 助理研究员




1. Liu Shuai, Tang Xiaoyu, Liu Xuerui, Zhang Rui, Guo Xiangrui, Yu Zhen, Zhao Ye,  Yin Jiehui, Sun Hao, Zhang Yanying*, (2025). Metabolomics provide novel  insights into the settlement and metamorphosis of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia  coerulea. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 1-15.*通讯作者)

2. Sun Hao, Wang Tianyu, Liu Shuai, Tang Xiaoyu, Sun Jie, Liu Xuerui, Zhao Ye,  Shen Pingping, Zhang Yanying*, (2024). Novel insights into the rhizosphere and  seawater microbiome of Zostera marina in diverse mariculture zones. Microbiome,12: 27.*通讯作者)

3. Zhang Yanying, Zhang Ying, Tang, Xiaoyu et al. (2024). A transcriptome-wide  analysis provides novel insights into how Metabacillus indicus promotes coral  larvae metamorphosis and settlement. BMC Genomics, 25, 840.  4. Sun Hao, Liu Xuerui, Wang Tianyu, Liu Shuai, Zhang Rui, Guo Xiangrui, Yu Zhen,Zhao Ye, Shen Pingping, Zhang Yanying*, (2024). Rhizosphere microbiomes are  closely linked to seagrass species: a comparative study of three coastal seagrasses,  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(12): e01754-24.*通讯作者)

5. Yang Qingsong, Ling Juan, Zhang Ying, Zhou Weiguo, Wei Zhangliang, Li Jie,  Zhang Yanying*, Dong Junde*, Qian Peiyuan, (2024). Microbial nitrogen removal  in reef-building corals: A light-sensitive process, Chemosphere, 359: 142394. *通讯作者)

6. Tang Xiaoyu, Yang Qingsong, Zhang Ying, Wang Hanzhang, Ling Juan, Sun  Haiyan, Dong Junde*, Zhang Yanying*, (2024). Validating the use of ROSscavenging bacteria as probiotics to increase coral resilience to thermal stress,  Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 1-19. *通讯作者)

7. Liu Xuerui, Liu Shuai, Yu Zhen, Guo Xiangrui, Zhang Rrui, Sun Hao, Zhang  Yanying*, (2024). Cognatishimia coralii sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from  seawater surrounding corals. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary  Microbiology, 74(7), 006467. *通讯作者)

8. Zhao Ye, Wang Han, Wang Haona, Zhang Lijie, Sun Hao, Yanying Zhang*, (2024).Seasonal changes in gut microbiota of sea cucumber over natural aestivation cycle.  Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 42(3): 849-864.*通讯作者)

9. Li Jie, Yang Qingsong, Dong Junde, Michael Sweet, Ying Zhang, Cong Liu,  Yanying Zhang, Xiaoyu Tang, Wenqian Zhang, Si Zhang, (2023). Microbiome  engineering: a promising approach to improve coral health. Engineering, 28: 105-116.

10. Yang Qingsong, Zhang Wenqian, Zhang Ying, Tang Xiaoyu, Ling Juan, Zhang  yanying, Dong Junde, (2022). Promoting larval settlement of coral Pocillopora  damicornis by calcium. Coral Reefs, 41(1): 223-235.

11. Zhang Yanying, Yang Qingsong, Zhang Ying, Ahmad Manzoor, Ling Juan, Tang  Xiaoyu, Dong Junde, (2021). Shifts in abundance and network complexity of coral  bacteria in response to elevated ammonium stress, Science of The Total Environment,  768: 144631.

12. Zhang Yanying, Yang Qingsong, Zhang Ying, Ahmad Manzoor, Ling Juan, Dong  Junde, Wang Youshao, (2021). The diversity and metabolic potential of the  microbial functional gene associated with Porites pukoensis, Ecotoxicology, 30:  986-995.

13. Zhang Ying, Yang Qingsong, Ling Juan, Long Lijuan, Huang hui, Yin Jianping, Wu  Meilin, Tang Xiaoyu, Lin Xiancheng, Zhang Yanying*, Dong Junde*, (2021).Shifting the microbiome of a coral holobiont and improving host physiology by  inoculation with a potentially beneficial bacterial consortium. BMC microbiology,  21(1): 130.*通讯作者)

14. Yang Qingsong, Zhang Ying, Ahmad Manzoor, Ling Juan, Zhou Weiguo, ZhangYanying*, Dong Junde*. (2021). Microbial community structure shifts and potential  Symbiodinium partner bacterial groups of bleaching coral Pocillopora verrucosa in  South China Sea. Ecotoxicology, 30, 966-974. *通讯作者)

15. Yang Qingsong, Dong Junde, Ahmad Manzoor, Ling Juan, Zhou Weiguo, Tan Yehui,  Zhang Yuanzhou, Shen Dandan*, Zhang Yanying*(2019). Analysis of nifH DNA  and RNA reveals a disproportionate contribution to nitrogenase activities by rare plankton-associated diazotrophs. BMC microbiology, 19: 188.*通讯作者)

16. Ahmad Manzoor, Yang Qingsong, Zhang Yanying, Ling Juan, Sajjad Wasim, QiShuhua, Zhou Weiguo, Zhang Ying, Lin Xiancheng, Zhang Yuhang, Dong Junde(2019) The distinct response of phenanthrene enriched bacterial consortia to  different PAHs and their degradation potential: a mangrove sediment microcosm  study. Journal of hazardous materials, 380:120863.


1. 2025/01-2027/12,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,鳗草根际微生物对海水养殖环境抗生素污染的响应特征,主持。

2. 2022/01-2025/12,国家自然科学-山东联合基金子课题:山东近海灾害水母与共生微生物互作机制及微生物防控水母灾害发生机理研究,主持。

3. 2022/12-2026/11,国家重点研发子课题:珊瑚生物海岸构建技术集成示范,主持。

4. 2020/01-2023/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:微生物诱导珊瑚幼虫附着和变态的分子机制,主持。

5. 2017/01-2020/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:珊瑚礁生态系统厌氧氨氧化菌的生态分布及对氮循环的贡献,主持。

6. 2016/01-2020/12,中国科学院先导专项 A 专题:功能微生物互作联合体系筛选,主持。

7. 2013/01-2016/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:珊瑚共附生固氮微生物对珊瑚白化的响应,主持。

8. 2011/01-2013/12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:珊瑚共附生细菌群落的动态变化对环境因子的响应,主持。



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