2006-2010 南京信息工程大学 学士
2010-2015 中国科学院海洋研究所 博士
2015-2019 烟台大学海洋学院 讲师
2019-至今 烟台大学海洋学院 副教授
1.Zhao, Y., Wang, H., Wang, H. et al. 2024. Seasonal changes in gut microbiota of seacucumber over natural aestivation cycle. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 42(3),849-864. .
2.Zhao, Y., Song, M., Yu, Z., Pang, L., Zhang, L., Karakassis, I., Dimitriou, P.D.,Yuan, X. 2023. Transcriptomic responses of a lightly calcified echinoderm toexperimental seawater acidification and warming during early development. Biology,12, 1520.
3.Wang, H., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Wang,Q*., Zhao,Y*. 2023. The toxicity ofmicroplastics and their leachates to embryonic development of the sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus. Marine Environmental Research, 106114.
4.Zhao, Y*., Wang, H., Wang, H., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Pi,Y., Yang, P., WangQ. 2023. Sulfide caused histological damage, oxidative stress, metabolic disorders andgut microbiota dysbiosis in juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Selenka.Aquatic Toxicology, 258,106439.
5.Zhao,Y*., Wang, H., Wang, H., Pi,Y., Chen, M. 2022. Metabolic response of the seacucumber Apostichopus japonicus during the estivation-arousal cycles. Frontiers inmarine science, 9:980221.
.Zhao,Y*., Liu,H.,6 Wang,Q*., Li,B., Zhang,H., Pi,Y. 2019. The effects ofbenzo[a]pyrene on the composition of gut microbiota and the gut health of thejuvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Selenka.Fish and ShellfishImmunology, 93, 369-379
6.Zhao, Y*., Liu, H., Wang, Q*., Li, B. 2019. The influence of three antibiotics on thegrowth, intestinal enzymeactivities, and immune response of the juvenile seacucumber Apostichopus japonicus selenka.Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 84,434-440.
7.Zhao, Y*., Wang, Q., Liu, H*., Li, B.,Zhang,H. 2019.High-throughput sequencingof 16S rRNA ampliconscharacterizes gut microbiota shift of juvenile sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus feeding with three antibiotics.Journal of Oceanology andLimnology,37(5), 1714-1725.
8.Zhao, Y., Yang, H*., Storey, K B., Chen, M*. 2014. RNA-Seq dependenttranscriptional analysis unveils gene expression profile in the intestine of seacucumber Apostichopus japonicus during aestivation. Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 10, 30-43.
9.Zhao, Y., Chen M*., Su, L., Wang, T., Liu, S., Yang, H*. 2013. Molecular cloningand expression-profile analysis of sea cucumber DNA(Cytosine-5)-methyltransferase1and methyl-CpG binding domain type 2/3genes during aestivation. ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 165 (1),26-35.
10.Zhao, Y., Yang, H*., Storey, K B., Chen, M*. 2014. Differential gene expressionin the respiratory tree of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus during aestivation.Marine Genomics, 18, 173-183.
11. Zhao, Y., Chen, M*., Storey, K B., Sun, L., Yang, H*. 2014. DNA methylationprofile analysis of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus based onfluorescence-labeled methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (F-MSAP)during aestivation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistryand Molecular Biology, 181, 26-32.
12. Zhao, Y., Chen, M*., Wang, T., Sun, L., Xu, D., Yang, H*. 2014. Selection ofreference genes for qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression in sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus during aestivation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology andLimnology, 1-9.
1. 2020/01-2022/31,夏眠期间刺参肠道菌群结构、功能及与宿主互作特征研究国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持。
2. 2017/08-2019/12,典型抗生素对刺参幼参肠道菌群及消化免疫功能影响的初步研究, 山东省自然科学基金, 主持。
3. 2022/11-2026/12,珊瑚生物海岸构建技术集成示范,国家重点研发计划,参与。
4. 2018/01-2022/12,聚缩虫科原生动物的分类学及系统发育研究,国家自然基金面上项目, 参与。
5. 2016/01 月-2019/12,海洋生物服务平台,国家海洋局项目,参与。
6. 主持烟台大学教改项目 3 项《基于能力培养的生物化学实验教学模式的改革研究与实践》、《“海洋生态学”课程中的思政教育探索》、《理工科专业课双语教学改革模式探索与实践—以海洋生态学为例》
2019 年烟台大学优秀本科毕业设计指导教师
参与指导毕业 3 人,指导毕业 2 人,目前在读 3 人